Caregiver Blogs

Senior caregivers deal with a lot of stressful situations inside the senior's home when helping them to age in place. We suggest that during leisure time, elderly and family caregivers should read blogs written by other nurses and caregivers who succeed regularly in dealing with the most difficult of situations.

I like to recommend for our home helpers in South Florida to emulate tips taken from sites such as Nurse Virginia's in regards to providing quality home care.

The Age and the City blog is written by a USC student of Gerontology and her experiences with constructing mind-stimulating activities with seniors of moderate and advanced dementia. Nurse Virgina's blog is useful when it comes to hands on personal care and observation while Catherine Lee's Alzheimer's Blog meaningful activities for seniors.

We'd like to reach out to our senior caregivers and clients of Broward and Palm Beach County and ask if any one of you have a blog or website you would recommend to us to share to the rest of our clients and friends.


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