Presto Email-Free for Seniors to Keep In Touch with Family

Presto is a Bay-Area company that foregoed computers when they developed a printer that produces a hard-copy email for seniors that don't use computers. I thought this idea could also work for second generation Americans with foreign parents that don't speak English well and that don't use the computer for that reason.

products for the elderly

Senior caregivers could help dependent seniors receive these messages and read them aloud if needed. The printer is $99 and refundable in 60-days while the service is $189 a year or $18.99 a month, definitely not outrageously expensive considering the value of keeping in touch with family. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very interesting. I am trying to find some home care in Stuart. Can you suggest any? Thanks.

    supported living providers

  3. Nice post about Presto Email-Free for seniors to keep in Touch with Family!Thanks.

    Life Alert Philadelphia

  4. Great Post! Educating family members about long term home care options is a good idea. Thanks
